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  • Writer's pictureDarris

Back from the (sorta) dead!

Ever had one of those up-and-down weeks that started off bad, slowly got better, and then ended terribly! Well, that's a synopsis of how the last week went for me.

I started feeling sick (like a bad cold) late on Friday, and tried my best to just sleep it off. Still under the weather Monday morning, I had to get up at three a.m. and fly to North Carolina for business. The altitude of the plane actually made me feel better so I managed to trick myself into thinking that the worst of it was over. How wrong I was! I did manage to muddle through the three days in North Carolina fairly well, even going so far as to take photographs of an almost deserted Downtown Fayetteville before boarding my return flight back to the DC area.

Once I was back home, in the familiar space of my own four walls, my body abandoned any pretense and just completely fell apart! I coughed so intensely, for so long, on Thursday night, that I passed out, face first, on my knees, onto our living room ottoman. My wife woke me up, I don't know how many minutes later, with her hand on the back on my neck (checking my temperature, I'm sure) and a gentle, "Are you okay?" I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was actually worried so I quickly moved to the couch and lay there flat on my back with my head propped up on pillows. I stayed that way, except for the occasional bathroom breaks to either relieve myself or cough up a loaf of bread, all the way to the next Monday morning.

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